Tuesday, September 22, 2009

I guess something can be said for all this tree pratice. . .

I would not have tried this with a ball-point pen four months ago.

and a couple of my waterfall runs

Because I promised kayak and cabin stuff also. . .

A couple of my favorite cabin pictures. The big one from when it was still being worked on.

The second one is a few years later when I started adding another, but ended up taking it down because the logs were not in good shape.

Friday, September 18, 2009

Today's tree

Old lightening rod in a cornfield, St Paul Mo.

To celebrate my new commition. . .

I will be doing some more cartoons for a children's book again. At least the early sketch's, but maybe the finished ones as well.

So my tree today is a cartoon tree.

Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Here is a painting I am working on right now

Real happy with most of it, but something is bothering me about the stone wall.

Any thoughts?

Today's tree - St Paul Mo farm.

This old store in

Old Monroe Mo. served the community as a store from 1885 to at least 1995.

Then the Highway Dept. chose to by pass Old Monroe basically killing local commerce.

Sad, that after so many years we still don't see what really makes things important.

Wednesday, September 9, 2009

Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Today's tree


From now on whenever I say, "I was trying something different.", it usually means I don't like it.

I was trying something different. Although I do like the shadow.

Sat. and Sunday's.

I like Sat. It almost looks like you can tell which direction the wind has been blowing for the last hundred years. It was from an old post card.

Friday, September 4, 2009

today's tree amd QS

I guess I am still daydreaming about next years trip.

windswept moorland tree.

Wednesday, September 2, 2009

Todays tree

Pencil was real heavy today. Oh, well. . . got 'er done.

Replenished my soul.

At least a little bit. Helped a little on the reconstruction of Ft. Zumwalt in Ofallon last night.

Worked a couple hours on closing in the gable ends.

Here are a couple pictures before my help, and I will get some of the gable ends when I get back over there. It was near dark when we finished.