Friday, July 24, 2020

Sepia Saturday for this week - easy rider.

Sepia Saturday for this week.

I can only think of one family story to go with this prompt. . . .

My mom and dad met during WW2. He was in the RAF, she worked at a canteen for servicemen across from a cinema the men would go to on their time off.

After a few visits I would imagine my dad asked if mom would go out walking with him.

That's probably all it was for a while. Taking a bus from the base to the canteen.

Once they started dating he said he use to pick her up with a bike that had a sidecar and a little motor.

I imagine it looked somewhat like this photo. I don't think it was to far to the base near Selby.
It is one thing we don't have pictures off, that little bike and sidecar.

The only family photo I have of motorbikes and my family is this one of my Uncle Leslie.
I never really got to know him, moving to America when I was 1 1/2.
Look like he is really proud of that bike.
Apparently he also owned a car, but no drivers license. I think my dad got to drive the car a bit once he married my mom.


  1. What a charming story despite not having a photo of the real thing.

  2. I would imagine having a motor asist on a bicycle with sidecar was a big help, with two people being pushed up hills. But of course it wasn't enough "horse power" to do much more than walking speed, compared to the earliest motorcycles...I'd guess.

    1. I wish I had asked for more details about it.

  3. Your post may be short but still powerful in the lovely memory of your parents’ courtship.

  4. One of my observations of folks on their motorbikes back in the day - especially the men - is that so often they are formally dressed in suits complete with vests and ties. It was a different time. You uncle does, indeed, look proud of his motorbike in that snapshot. :)

    1. I can not imagine many men of that generation going anywhere with out a nice jacket and tie.

  5. One of my observations about men on their motorbikes back in the day is that so often they are formally dressed in suits complete with vests and ties. It was a different time. Your uncle does, indeed, look proud of his motorbike in that snapshot. :)

  6. Nice photo of your uncle and the "reasonable facsimile" motorbike with side car. Great that you know that story about your parents. Very special!

  7. Lovely memories of your mum and dad courting and travelling on a bike like that one. Very special.
