Sunday, November 24, 2019

I have not done Sephia Sat. for a while. Retirement has found me too busy.

But I will try again starting this week, a day late.

This is my mom from some time in the Late 30's.

She can only guess now who the two little ones are. We think my cousins.

Love the old stove in the back.

Sepia Sat.


  1. A happy family photograph, gathered together for a cuddle.

  2. A cute cuddly picture. And welcome back to the fold. Please continue to join us - making Sepia Saturday, once again, part of your busy retirement. And isn't that the truth. You retire only to find you're busier than ever! That's a good thing, though - keeps you young! Or so they say. :)

  3. Enjoyed your mother's picture. Be sure to ask some cousins for identification of the children.
