Well, we almost didn't go down. The morning started off raining and didn't look good.
About a half an hour before parade time, the rain let up. We headed down.
Now the parade always goes down old Main St, so we walked up there. Wow! No body here, we should have a great view.
(We were told this would indeed be the route again.)
While waiting we checked out a couple open shops.About a half an hour before parade time, the rain let up. We headed down.
Now the parade always goes down old Main St, so we walked up there. Wow! No body here, we should have a great view.
(We were told this would indeed be the route again.)
Here is daughter in tartan garb standing in the English Shop.
Well to make a long story short. The parade went down the Katy Trail while we waited on Main St. Although they had golf carts with staff all over the place, they never thought of checking to see if anyone lined up where it was suppose to be.
Oh, well.
We headed down to the park.
The Haggis dealer was open.
We chose fish-n-chips.
The Kilties from Central High School Springfield Mo.did a great job.
Waiting for fish-n-chips.

Highland Reign entertained those of us who stayed through the rain. We sat, listened and ate our sausage rolls and jam tarts.
They always do a great job.
Sunday we went back down hoping to catch the big bagpipe bands, but no luck.
But, as is always a treat, the 42nd Royal Highlanders, a staple at the Tartan Days, performed throughout the weekend, doing mostly traditional 18th century music. They are a St Louis area re-enactment group and are always very good, and very colorful.
Their standard near their camp.
Their canon.
Although rainy most of the weekend we made the best of it, and got our yearly dose of Scotland.
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